Nutritional Counseling
We believe that health does not come from just one avenue. There is a foundation of health that starts with good nutrition. One of our services is to counsel patients on their nutrition and to help them understand how that foundation plays a role in their chiropractic care. Our goal is to start healing from within, and giving patients the ability to do that very thing. We are not about recommending a ton of supplements. Rather, we are about assessing what you are already doing and try to find the missing piece. With every visit, nutrition just naturally is a part of the conversation. We do offer a separate in depth session that is scheduled differently from your adjustment. We do endorse a few companies of supplements and products that we recommend, but are not in the business to necessarily convert you to change the current products you are using.
The products that we use are Standard Process, Energetix, Nutri-West, and Biofreeze.